A Night At The Movies

I love movies.  It’s just that simple.  I watch them as often as possible – at home or at the cinema.  My favourite genres are chick flicks or superhero ones (yes, superhero ones is now a movie genre).  One of the perks of working at the hospital that I do is the fact that when a new blockbuster movie is coming out they organize an advanced screening just for us – and it only costs $6.  In July the screening was the newest Batman movie, and this time it was “Breaking Dawn – Part 2”.  Even though going to the midnight viewings are usually a good time, it was nice to see a Twilight Saga movie before the majority of people without waiting in line for (at least) five hours and without a theatre full of teenage girls who would scream every time Jacob or Edward walked into a scene and/or took off their shirt.

Depending on my company, going to the movies is as much as a social event as it is a movie event.  This time, as most movie premiers are, it was definitely more of social event (especially since I was seeing the movie more to finish the series than because I thought it looked decent).  About half or so of our department bought tickets to see the movie, and the majority of us arrived around 6pm (the movie started at 7pm).  Honestly, very little beats eating overpriced popcorn or frozen yogurt, and chatting with your friends while you wait for the movie to begin.  When free refills on large popcorns still existed my friends and I would try to eat as much popcorn as possible during the previews so we could get a refill before the movie started.  It was one of our ways of “beating the system” – along with reusing the popcorn bags.  One amazing thing about the people I sat with is that once the movie started, all talking stopped (aside from a few comments about the previews).  Previews are something I’m quite fond of.  By the end of them I usually forget what movie I’m there to see, but it’s exciting to see what’s coming out (Les Mis and the Hobbit anyone?).

As I side noted in the previous paragraph, I did not expect this to be a good movie.  I found the book rather boring and was wondering how they were going to make the second half of it into a feature length film.  I will admit that each movie has been better than the one before it, but I did not have high hopes for this final installment.  Surprisingly (and happily) I was wrong.  It was funny, action packed and well done.  For lack of better words, Breaking Dawn Part 2 blew my mind.  I had absolutely no idea what was going to happen next, even though I read the book.  In my opinion, this is the best movie in the series, and while to some that may not be saying much, it was an overall good movie.  Seriously, if you’re waiting for it to come out on dvd, or for a decent version to appear on whatever site you download things off of – don’t.  It’s worth the money you would pay on cheap night at the theatre.  It might even be worth paying full price for it too (and that’s saying something).


  1. Great post!! I’m so jealous about the advanced screenings, lol! I’m definitely a movie girl too, (but I find I’m running out of ones to watch). :( Any recs? I can’t wait for Les Mis, I still remember seeing the play at Walkerville in grade school. Arrgh!! Annoying people at the movies are the worst.. I’ll have to tell you a story (in my letter) about when I told some people off in the theater, hahah!

    Keep smiling! xxo

    1. Les Mis is definitely my favourite play. I’m so excited that they’re making what looks like a decent musical version movie of the play. I can’t wait to hear your story! I always want to tell off annoying people, but I don’t want to cause any drama so I just shoot them dirty looks. As for movie recommendations, I’d have to say Love Actually, Star Dust, Moulin Rouge, Big Fish, The Family Stone, The Avengers, Thor and Valentine’s Day. I can’t believe you’re running out of movies to watch! I have such a long “to watch” list haha.

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